Friday, February 02, 2007


its been a while since the last time i open the internet.for me its a long while since the days are longer compared when i was still there in michigan. here i am now with only a few hours of sleep, sitting in this uncomfortable chair in a crowded internet cafe at third level of the sm city.its almost 12 pm and haven't change my clothes.the same clothes i'd been wearing since yesterday when we went to met the aujero family at jaro fiesta. i was welcomed well by tita mel(ace mother) and even said"si wienston iya VIP na diri".i've also met ace father and brothers. there with me was rose,mark,lissette,gary and rey.gary's wife was my former classmates and we had fun trying to recall the names of some of our classmates.

i felt uneasy the whole time iwas there as the whole aujero family is teasing me for kathy.dionosio,ace brother in law let me drink 2 red horse aside from the 3 san mig light that i consumed, so according to him, i will have alot of courage to start courting kathy. i remember when i first came, and when ace brother saw me, he went directly to kathy and said "kathy si wienston ari na di". kathy just smiled.i had fun, we all do.metting the parents and the aujero gang, he he he. i wish i had more time and i'm running out of words so i better do this again in the next few days...i goota go home to my hometown...dingle